St Anne's School, Chotojagulia!


a. Regular attendance at School is in the interest of the students. It builds up a sense of devotion to the duty and a habit for regularity and discipline. The students should arrive on time to School. Parents’ co-operation is needed so that punctuality is ensured.

b. Students must attend School regularly and must not miss classes unnecessarily except when the cause is sudden illness or unforeseen circumstances. In case of such absence the reason for being absent must be briefly noted in the Regularity Record of the School diary with parent’s specimen signature and counter singed by the Principal or the appropriate School authority before entering the class. No child will be admitted to the class without the leave record.

c. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or misconduct are injurious to the moral tone of the School are sufficient reasons for adopting strict disciplinary measures which may even lead to dismissal of student from the School. Those whose attendance falls short of 85% during the year will not be promoted.

d. Absence from class for birthdays, marriage, feasts in view of anticipating or extending School vacations or in order to study is not encouraged. If a student is absent for fifteen consecutive days his name may be struck off the rolls.

e. No student will be permitted to leave the school premises during School hours except on the strength of a letter of request from the parent/Guardian on ID card and sanctioned by the School authority. In such cases the child should be fetched from the School. The same thing holds good for late arrivals. Parents should send an authorization letter with the authorized person having school authority’s acknowledgement if they cannot pick up their ward personally.

f. Students must return to School after the holidays on the appointed date. In case of sickness, the School authority must be notified and doctor’s certificate must be produced.

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