St Anne's School, Chotojagulia!

School inspection 2023

School inspection means critical examination of one or more aspects of the school and its program. Historically speaking, inspection means to enforce control on the educational system and authority as an executive arm of the government.
Recently an inspection has been conducted in St Anne’s school on behalf of the ICSE . These pictures are taken for these purpose. We have successfully completed the inspection procedure.

Mother General Visit 2022

Mother General Sr, Clara Vasanti visited our school on 18th Feb 2022. It was our pleasure to meet her first time parents and students were gathered in the school hall and children gave cultural programme and welcomed mother Admist us mother has appreciated us and she promised to help us to develop the school. She assured us with her blessing.

The Bridge Course from 12th January -12th March 2018

Month of January and February 2018 were the months that added unforgettable experience to all our sisters who conducted a Bridge Course in St.Anne’s Regional house, for the all children who were admitted for the first Academic year 2018-1019.The course went for about two months. We had taught all the 30 children without any particular books. The course aimed at teaching them love for handwriting, creating an atmosphere of confidence and trust on us, and bringing out their energy talents through various palyway methods. THE CHILDERN AND THE PARENTS loved the ambiance of our school , also the amount of care we gave and even personal attention that was taken in the growth of each child much before the actual classes would begun.

Inauguration of the New School on the 5th April 2018

The Inauguration of St.Anne’s School was held on the 5th April 2018.It was a long awaited day in the life of the sisters of St.Anne’s. The school building was blessed by His Grace Thomas D’ Souza, and opened by our dear Mother General .Rev. Mother Jacqueline Mary.The holy mass was celebrated by His Grace Archbishop Thomas D’Souza along with our parish priest Xavier Kujur and a few other priests. Our Mother General, general Councilors, Provincials and their team had added the beauty and meaning to our celebration. Their presence gave us hope, confidence and trust and comfort for the future mission that is foreseen in this new area. A wonderful programme was given by our kids. The parents, teachers and the guests have appreciated the kids for their amazing performances. Soon after that we had a sumptuous lunch for all. And the celebration ended with a happy note.

Rabindra Jayanti on the 11th May 2018

The birth day of Rabindra Nath Tagore was celebrated on the 11th May 2018 .Srs. Mary peterSudha Janet and a few other sisters were the special invites along with the parents . We had a nice cultural programme given by our school children. They performed dances, said poetry and enacted dramas on the life and works of Rabindranath Taogre.The Bengal and the whole nation is indebted to him for his contribution at various levels.

One of class 1 children had given a beautiful speech on his life and works of Rabindranath Tagore.

Sharing Day

Good manners taught at an early age , help a child to grow into a responsible and caring adult. On 9th August 2019 we had celebrated Sharing day in our school. Children and teachers brought different types of food and shared with each other. Children shared their food generously and enjoyed the day. It was an unforgettable for all the students and teachers and the management as it brought lot of joy and gladness into our hearts.

School Re-opens 2022

The start of the school year more overwhelming than ever before. One could observe the mixed feelings of excitement, joy and happiness. It was on 06/04/2022.

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