St Anne's School, Chotojagulia!

Annual Day Celebration 2020

The annual Day Celebration was held on the 28th January 2020 at 3 pm. The Guests who consented over the programme were, Sr.Clara Saminathan, the Principal of Auxilium School, Barasat, Sr.Gracy Ulahananan, the Secretary of St.Anne’s School, Chotojagulia and Nurul Hague the Pradhan of the Chotojagulia, Panchayat. The children had presented very colour programmes from each class. They looked very happy and beautiful with all the costumes. The teachers and the sisters and the management had worked tirelessly to make this day happen. The parents and the guests congratulated the children and the teachers for their wonderful bond and co-operation. The children were given prizes for their amazing performances during the year. Above all it was an unforgettable event for all the management and the staff of St.Anne’s School, Chotojagulia.

Childrens Day Celebration

Children's Day Celebration

Curricular and co curricular activities are equally important for the growth and development of the children. Keeping this in mind our school has conducted a fancy dress competition. Independence Day was the theme of the competition. The children, who were interested, had participated and have done wonderfully in their own part. The parents have taken lot efforts to teach the children, the particular character that they would enact on the stage. They dressed up like national leaders and freedom fighters. It was a golden opportunity for us to create love for country and boost their national spirit.

Drawing Competition on the 29th June 2018

a. To bring out the creativity and the artistic treasure that’s inborn in the children, a drawing competition was held in St.Anne’s convent school, on 29th June 2018.

b. The nursery and the LKG students had their coloring and the UKG and Class 1 had drawing competition .The students proved by their creative presentation, that they, not only excel in the academics but also in the other extracurricular activities. The winners were chosen from each class and they will soon be rewarded for their wonderful performances .The competition not only increased their joy and happiness by using various colors but also strengthened the fine muscle movements.

Singing Competition on 28th September 2018.

The singing competition was held on the 28th September 2018. Participation is more important than the success. Hence all the students were encouraged to participate in the same. It was a beautiful platform for the children to show their talent of singing and also a chance for the teachers to know the strength of each child in and through the occasions like this. Some of them sang melodiously and surprised the teachers and their own friends.

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